I offer online counselling and therapy services.
I offer online counselling and therapy services.
I work with all manner of issues you may be struggling with, such as anxiety, depression, stress, illness, self harm, addictive and compulsive behaviours and relationship issues.
My specialist areas of interest include, but are not limited to, bereavement, trauma, depression and compulsive behaviours, particularly sex addiction.
It may be that you are worried about someone in your life and don’t know how best to help them and yourself in the process? I can help you in this.
In our first consultation, we will talk about what you are struggling with, how I might be able to help you, and your expectations of counselling. All sessions are 50 minutes.
This and subsequent sessions are done in a confidential environment where I will help you to feel comfortable and at ease to talk about often distressing challenges. We will periodically review to ensure counselling continues to be beneficial for you. I respect my client’s time and budget and will never place any undue pressure. If it becomes apparent I am unable to help you then I will refer you to someone who can.